
Showing posts from 2011

Happy birthday, Jesus:)

I'm back from korea! really a wonderful trip I've post most of my photos on facebook so I'll won't say much here actually I was expecting a whole carpet of snow waiting for me when i got out of the airport but there was nothing just plain coldness but there was bits of ice on the first day then it snowed on the second day! first experience of snow  but i saw what i want not long after a soft white blanket covering the ground  so we started to play with the snow of course! throwing the snow watch us play :) so very fun!!!!! although its very cold we have warm food everyday usually steamboat and their food taste bland coz koreans are not very picky with their food so we are quite fed up after a few days but i'm definitely very please to start the whole trip again! if only i could :'( I really miss korea now I miss the cold wind blowing my cheeks (although its bitterly cold sometimes XD) we went to a lot of places and g

turtlenecks, longjohn, and pink gloves!

I spend the whole day doing nothing I have things to do like clearing my form 2 books but I'm just too lazy, not inspired I just lay on the couch, watching tv go out to eat I read a little of the storybooks I borrowed from the national library and for the first time, I did not finish the storybooks within 2 days instead, I'm interested in finding information about korea the weather, clothing mum has started to pack and I don't understand why can't we have our individual luggage:( I even brush up a little on simple korean phrases although the trip is still about 2 weeks and half long mum and dad says they want to renovate the house I'm eager about the interior designing but I don't see any progress instead, my parents are interested to buy another condo for investment well, I haven't do my quiet time for quite a couple of days XD so I guess I do it now :)

holiday with books -__- :s

lazy me~~~~~~~~ i keep delaying this post had a great night when my cousin sister, Paige came to kl because it was my uncle's and my dad's birthday on that very day they came, we went out to have a small birthday duo celebration :) Paige was still as adorable as ever!  black telephone, big black specs n a long grey necklace! ready to eat:) Just too Fabulous for words sweet~~ black n white with my aunt glittering hats! haha, really looking forward to the next visit to penang! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * me and my big mouth! i told mum that my cousins are having exams this week and mum shorten the trip to penang for my grandma's memorial service this week arghhhhhhhh.............. now i can't stay at my uncle's house and i must wait longer to meet my cousins especially Paige! and i will be so bored staying at home this holiday although

Gen Japanese Restaurant~The Legend Hotel

my second visit to The legend Hotel falls on today this time i was also brought there by my mum the restaurant was so nice!! we went into a room like this: there was a garden behind but the door could not be open its a pity i forgot to take my camera along or i would have took the pictures myself there were lots of variety of food the best of all are the sushi's n a chesse tart withe blueberry under it scrumptious! delicious! XD i tried the wasabi on its own n honestly, it tastes horrible! not because its spicy but the weird taste......... n the only thing im not satisfied with is i cant find the restroom! i have to eat with my hand that is use for taking off my shoe!! urghh..


"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3
finally got the time to write this post im swamped with work this week i thought this week i would be free as it was academic week but everything delayed me... MON, science exhibition.. TUE, Info hunt... WED, bazaar... used 2 ringgit to buy 4 miserable banana... not full went to buy food at canteen insteadXD raining.. cant practise started pergerakan irama THU, Wordsearch... went WWM popular bought books addicted to the book, finish homework at 11 FRI, missed the spell-it-right competition because of Laksamana but nevermind, its a crap competition anyway went for koperasi meeting but quit because its ridiculous and i've no time to do those job greetings of 38 to myself i guess everything is settled then :)

Brrr...COLD!!!but totally FUN!!!

i went to two theme parks this week! also went for the "tongue tied about the gospel" that was quite interesting...i learned to do some tricks but evangelism is the main point ************************************************* I went to times square on wednesday with my cousin sister from penang we went to the theme park n played the games i played the supersonic odyssey(but i closed my eyes)XD but i still dont dare to play the space attack n dna mixture the next day my shoulders ache dunno whyXD ************************************************** "WOW!! im in Genting!!" I exclaimed happily after i got out from the car yesterday Yes, i finally got to go to Genting after 9 years (according to my memory)XD i met up with audrey at the outdoor entrance her grandma was so generous she gave me n my sister a treat! we bought the family package (aud is a kid!)XD we played the Spinner cold when the wind blows... then the Cyclone fun screaming when it goes

poor legs@@

im not easy tempered but i do have limited patience but... for me, sulking at a corner or making a sour face or calling people names or sobbing... are acts of childishness to seek for attention that will just let people say more about you why dont use a better way?? ***************************************** ( i was surprised mae n aud did not post about this) yesterday was a long day especially for our legs we walked 4.5km(or less) tesco walk(had fun there taking balloons, eating n playing) walked to the national library walked up the third floor a couple of times walked to the new building twice wroted 6 or more names in the registration books..XD checked nearly all the computers.. we( its not actually we, its theyXD) nearly gave up but,(due to my intelligence XDXD) we finally found what we wanted!! if only we had asked the man at the first place, we could have found it n still can go to McDonalds!! and still have leftover time.. we really had a silly, tiring tour around the library f

happy holiday!

cooked in school today so clumsy... we were out of time to eat our food so we had a picnic during recess we shared the food with everyone (although the food wasn't really delicious)XD its the first semester hols... this hols ive got quite a lot of activities with my frenx but everything is not confirmed yet but i definitely hope everything will go on smoothly n everyone can join in n have fun! all the test papers are out except BC, PS, n SV overall, im quite satisfied with my results except maths...grrr... but, i want to have fun this holiday, so, ACADEMICS, PLEASE DON'T RUIN MY HOLIDAY!


go. go. go... exam week just passed..... everything was okay this week except Geography im out of time to check my answers n my poor liquid paper was confiscated.. but if i was hooi yee, i rather kill myself she threw her liquid paper into the dustbin if only she knew the prefects were not spot checking our class!!! but other subjects bored me to the core!! next week should be fun n exciting too results are coming out... n its going to be the first semester holidays soon... and... lastly, i wan to say that Sometimes, things are predictable...

My very first tuition

2day was my very first day of tuition i've never went tuition be4 i enroll for BM subject only (although i dont really think i want to) i wanted to enroll for BC too but the english period is in the middle of BC n BM n i don wan to go for english so my family went objection for BC so i ended up going for BM only everything was okay nothing special juz like having some extra exercise the bad thing is i have to do homework n i haven touch the essay since i came back juz now lazy thats the only word i can think of now..

Form2 starts now~~~

2day is the first day of school although im same class with most of the 6K's, but im quite boring at my place honestly, i dont like the usaha's last year they thought this is 2 usaha also n act as we were transparent n we were like "HELLO??!!" n they were extremely LOUD n that is definitely NOT good anyway i will still have fun with my friends the teachers are okay except the teachers who teached usaha last year boo.. n good thing we didnt get miss wong for our maths!! they change the form four classes names n their names really stinks!! 4 MAJU ?!?! XG i wonder who suggested hope everything will run smoothly this year!! btw, CANDY FLOSS, a new book Audrey lend me to read as i've almost finish the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo series except some i cant find like bad rap n no bones about it..