holiday with books -__- :s

lazy me~~~~~~~~
i keep delaying this post
had a great night when my cousin sister, Paige came to kl
because it was my uncle's and my dad's birthday on that very day they came,
we went out to have a small birthday duo celebration :)
Paige was still as adorable as ever! 
black telephone, big black specs n a long grey necklace!
ready to eat:)

Just too Fabulous for words


black n white

with my aunt

glittering hats!

haha, really looking forward to the next visit to penang!

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me and my big mouth!
i told mum that my cousins are having exams this week
and mum shorten the trip to penang for my grandma's memorial service this week
now i can't stay at my uncle's house
and i must wait longer to meet my cousins especially Paige!
and i will be so bored staying at home this holiday
although the exams are coming soon
but i keep on finding excuses for myself not to my revision
anyway, the teachers didn't really explain whether last year questions will come out ( another excuse XD)
i want to do a study group but none of my friends took notice
bah! I need to buck up myself!

hope that this week will be a great holiday! :)


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