
Really have to write this down to be a constant reminder
 A month ago, i remembered we decided that  if the campers did not reach 20 by 24th
we will cancel the camp
well, who knows this will be one of the best camp ever?

When the committee decided for the theme
we don't really know what we wanted
but who knows that God has use our speaker as his mouthpiece so well
that impacted everyone of us
Our speaker, Mr. Ritchie :)

I remembered the first time i went for the camp "Rekindle our first love"
I was akward and shy I was quiet in every discussion
I treated the questions like a test and I really hate discussions
but this camp,I learned how to speak and share
maybe because of being the committee I cant be in my comfort zone anymore
I've seen myself grown in Christ
Volunteering to share during reflection will be the last thing i would wanted to do a few years ago but now haha, who knew how God works in us?
Reflection was very emotional
to be frank i wasn't really touched by the speaker's message
but I don't even know why I shed tears when the other campers shared
maybe because i knew how they felt especially those in our yp and committee
and wow, I was really shocked by how emotional everyone was
and really you cant see what is hidden inside each of us until you pour it out
I am glad that God has touched our hearts and show us how to released our baggage

For the fun part,I was really surprised our group won haha the skit was half spontaneous
we didn't manage to have jungle trekking because it was raining
talent night was not bad too
although there was lack of practice, every group did quite well
Oh and the best part was kind of a jamming session with the speaker
He is really great in music and gave us lots of tips in the music, instruments and singing
Haha my serious look XD

Group photo:) Credits to Jeffrey



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