
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Journey

Such a waste of time I would say, sitting in the train or worst cramming like sardines in the lrt for 30 minutes just wasn't what I would look forward to. The journey was one of biggest downside of going to mckl such faraway land where it takes almost an hour to reach there. I started getting used to the public transport. I know which coach to go to and has the least people. I know which end is the stairs the nearest to the train. I know which hour will be the craziest sardine pack and I know which station I can get a seat. Like this hour, after 6'30 in the morning you'll get a least probability to have a seat. Seeing the usual queue I went to wait at the reverse direction to the other terminal of the lrt. The lrt came empty as usual and I picked the last seat and made myself comfortable. It was a longer ride after all. Daydreamed for a moment before I took out my book and started reading. As the train arrive at the terminal I was waiting for the people of Gombak to come i