
Showing posts from March, 2015

A new step

I failed. Failed miserably. Haha I planned to write this post way earlier after RBS but I failed. Now I've even started college. :O There's too much to write. So much that I don't even know where to start. Phew, RBS. It has been enriching and fulfilling. I wouldn't say it was a fun one really cos I can't really remember myself being really happy instead I find myself being sad and lonely lots of time actually. But yeah though all the down times, I've learned so much. So much about God and so much about myself, and about others too. I learn to see myself less and to look at others more. To ask God to help me see others with love, to help me look at his world how he would see them and break my heart of what breaks His. Also opened up my eyes through many things, and found lots of friendships to treasure :) It was thus a great experience Its only 2 days of college and i feel so stressed out already. There's so much to do by yourself, t